
The “M” AzuriuM 2021 Edition


Dynavap offer you their blue thermal canvas.
Using a secret age-old magic family recipe, Dynavap have gone and vaporised some titanium and turned a whole bunch of “M”s a deep tone of blue, which you can then create gen-u-ine rainbows from using extreme heat.
We know; It sounds ridiculous, but it’s all true. Kind of.

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Ooop, look out… The new 2021 “M” line-up has landed!!

Offering you their blue thermal canvas, Dynavap have turned a whole bunch of “M”s a deep tone of tactile blue, which you can then create rainbow-art from using extreme heat.

So how is it done? – THE COLOURING PROCESS

PVD (physical vapour deposition) is a way of coating metal, and DynaVap have used this process to achieve the vibrant and varied colours on this year’s “M” showpieces to great effect.

Knowing the powder-coating process would  make this easier to visualise; The process of PVD takes physical matter (in this case titanium), vaporises it, and then those vaporised particles apply themselves evenly to the object being coated (in this case the 2021 M) before turning back into a very thin coating (not a layer) of solid material again.


The outside of the coloured 2021 “M”s caps and stems have also been “PVD’d”, along with the condensers inside.

And no two coloured “M”s are quite the same? … Yep… That’s right.

Weight34.4 kg
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